2022 Theme

2022 Theme

Being a believer in our modern society presents challenges, but with the guidance that God provides us and the help of the Holy Spirit, we can strive to be disciples of Jesus just as the early Christians did in the first century. To do that we turn to His word and try to structure our lives both individually and collectively by what we find there.

Kick-off message from Janaury 9th, 2022

Most of what we do next year will be related to our theme – sermons, classes, and our Summer Series. It will also include an effort to spend more time with each other in Bible study. To facilitate that, we will be meeting together in each other’s homes based on the geographic areas where we live. We will have six “Neighbor Groups” that will meet twice a month. These will be in different member’s homes and will provide us the opportunity to dive deeper into the topics being discussed in our assemblies and classes. We will be striving to grow together in God’s word with those who live closest to us. We are blessed with many people living throughout the greater Nashville area, and this will give us the opportunity to grow closer and stronger in our faith.

These meetings in our homes will provide a more intimate setting for Bible study and more discussion with each other about what we see in God’s word. It will provide more leadership opportunities for our members and an avenue to invite neighbors and friends to activities outside the church building.

Listen to our latest message in the series

Ask about joining a neighborhood small group