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Helpful info to plan your visit
Our Location
208 Granny White Pike, Brentwood, TN 37027
Bible classes for all ages at 9am
Kids classes
We work hard to create fun, helpful environments that connect children with the love and truth of their Heavenly Father. Find out more about our children's environments.
We offer children’s environments for all ages every Sunday during the 9am hour. Additionally, at this time, we will have our infant and toddler nursery available throughout our worship service.
Adult classes
Summer Adult Bible Classes are underway! Currently we're studying:
- Summer in the Psalms - Auditorium and hallway class
Worship at 10am
Our worship gathering always includes an engaging, practical message, prayer, Bible reading, singing and communion. It's a great time to visit, experience our church and get connected with a neighborhood small group. Dress is casual and everyone’s welcome.
Recent messages
Check out our Youtube page for a glimpse at our current message series.
"Bible Recap" after worship for kids
After worship, for about 10 minutes, all kids ages 3yo to 6th grade are encouraged to head to the front of the auditorium for a quick "Bible Recap". During this time, they'll be led in a few songs and questions about what they learned today. Each week we learn more about who God is and some of his foundational teachings.