Our church leadership
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church and that every local church has the obligation to seek and appoint godly elders/shepherds, who lead the local church, relying on God’s wisdom and daily guidance.
At every level, we make decisions by seeking guidance and wisdom from Jesus, who ultimately directs our vision “to help people trust and follow him.” Jesus is our Supreme Authority. Under his leadership, we serve his church together.
Our shepherds
Don Boyd
Tom Hatch
Jim Stephenson
Wally Vinson
Eddie Walker
Our deacons
Deacons in the New Testament played a crucial role in serving the practical needs of the early Christians, assisting the apostles in tasks such as distributing food and aid to widows and the needy. Acts 6:1-4 illustrates this function, highlighting the appointment of deacons to ensure the equitable distribution of resources. Today, our twenty deacons serve the needs of our church family in a variety of different ways.
Tim Beever | |
Ryan Firm | |
Dan Harrington | |
Tim Hill | |
Bob Hope | |
Trey Keller | |
Kerry Kendrick | |
Dan King | |
Tim Matheny | |
Tyler Matheny | |
Erick Nash | |
Seth Norris | |
Gary Orr | |
Doug Qualls | |
Roger Sanders | |
Steve Schreiber | |
Gary Orr | |
Jay Stephenson | |
Adam Sullivan | |
Roy Super | |
Chris Walker |