Becoming young men of God

Becoming young men of God

Building healthy, Christ-centered relations among one another as adult men and young men of God.

2024 Calendar and Events:
All events held at the Brentwood Church of Christ - 208 Granny White Pike, Brentwood, TN

January 7th @ 1pm
Respect for Authority - Jim Stephenson
Humility and Modesty - Dan King

March 3rd @ 1pm
Overcoming Pride - Richard Sargent
Lying and Honesty - Zach Ford

May 5th @ 1pm
Self Image and Ego - Tyler Matheny
Compassion and Sympathy - Bob Hope

July 7th @ 1pm
Grudges and Forgiveness - Gary Orr
Patience and Long Suffering - Jay Stephenson

September 1st @ 1pm
Disciplining the Tongue - Roy Super
Alcohol and Druge Abuse - Ken Patton

November 3rd @ 1pm
Anger and Hostility - Wally Vinson
Peer Pressure - Adam Sullivan



About the "Becoming young men of God" group

Our goal and expectation is to:

  1. Develop friendships
  2. Enjoy fun activities
  3. Celebrate achievements
  4. Serve others

1. Developing friendships

Building a healthy, Christ-centered relationships among one another as adult men and young men of God.

Both adult men and young men building relationships together side by side as they do fun things. Also establishing healthy friendships with other young men and faithful men of multiple generations.

2. Enjoying fun activities

Bringing adult Christian men, and younger men together around a variety of activities that provide a place and time to share, experience, and enjoy something for everyone.

Sharing a variety of interest, trade skills, current technology, outside the church on scheduled excursions and trips. Allowing the adult men to share their experiences and wisdom of life both good and bad.

3. Celebrate achievements

Providing every young man a pathway for growth, success, and recognition. The combination of Bible studies, leadership training, and developing skills in the image of manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in:

Luke 2:52 where “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”

4. Serve others

Engaging young men in service to God, their family, church, and our community.

Service to others is a central part of our Christian faith. Therefore, any effort to help our young men grow into healthy Christian adult men must include regular opportunities for serving others.